So is Gigapixel AI still worth it in 2022? One of the most important things about any photography software is its price and before I start this Topaz Gigapixel AI review we should have a look at that… Gigapixel AI is normally $99.- but with my Gigapixel AI Promo code you can save a lot of money and sometimes there are great special offers and deals on Gigapixel AI where you can get it a lot cheaper.

This Topaz Gigapixel AI review is broken down into a few different sections and my conclusion is just below also if you don’t want to read the whole article.

Welcome to my Topaz Gigapixel AI review version 6.1 and is it still worth it in 2022? If you want to know exactly what was in the update for version 6.1 click here to read my blog post on it.