“It took courage to stand up for yourself like that.” “It sounds like you did the right thing even though it wasn’t easy.

Help them see their own courage.When you see courage in your children, identify it. Where do you see courage, in yourself and in others? How can we help our children understand what courage looks and feels like? Here are some tips for teaching your children about courage: I frequently work with teachers who can easily identify courage in their students, but fail to recognize the kind of courage it takes to show up every day in the classroom, eager to share knowledge but expecting that there will be unanticipated obstacles that will make sharing knowledge both challenging and rewarding. Speaking from our hearts is what I think of as 'ordinary courage.' Brené Brown, author of I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shameīecause courage can be quiet, we tend to underrate or overlook our own acts of courage. But in my opinion, this definition fails to recognize the inner strength and level of commitment required for us to actually speak honestly and openly about who we are and about our experiences - good and bad. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant 'To speak one's mind by telling all one's heart.' Over time, this definition has changed, and today, we typically associate courage with heroic and brave deeds.

Courage is welcoming a new neighbor, cooking soup for a friend who is sick, cleaning up the traffic circle, speaking out when a friend is being taunted or hurt, sharing your sandwich with a friend at school who forgot her lunch or picking up garbage not because you dropped it but because it is the right thing to do.Ĭourage is a heart word.

Most of the time, though, courage is quieter. Sometimes that might manifest as a heroic rescue, or a bold and daring act. Maybe courage isn’t as much about heroism as it is about moving in the direction of becoming our best selves: to be connected, contributing members of our community. The word itself is derived from the Latin cor, meaning heart. Perhaps our confusion results from how we hold the word courage. From the inside it feels like “just being me.” Interesting, isn’t it? From the outside, the work that superheroes do looks courageous. That’s because courage looks different from the outside than it feels from the inside. We often think of courage as big - as something that is perhaps lacking in our own makeup. Instead they would be likelier to tell you that they just did what was “right,” or that they are just being themselves. This month: Teaching Children About Courage.īut if you ask superheroes in our community how they achieved what they did, courage will probably not be among the first words they utter. ParentMap thanks i9 Sports for making possible our Growing Character series.